European Research Council (ERC) Synergy Grant

Research funding opportunities
Research-external funding

For us to meet this deadline, please email the Research Facilitation Team at an early stage

This opportunity offers up to €10m, for a period of up to 6 years. 

Are you a researcher who wants to address a research problem so ambitious, that it cannot be dealt with by you and your team alone? The Synergy Grants could be for you, and this year's call is now open!

A group of 2-4 Principal Investigators need to work together, bringing different skills and resources to tackle ambitious research problems. PIs can be from the same or different institutions, from one country or from more than one country. Each PI must spend at least 30% of their time on the grant, bringing their own team to the project and running their own element of it.

You can ask for a total of €10m, for up to 6 years. There is no constraint in terms of topic.

Funder deadline: 6th November 2024 (you must submit your application to DPIR well in advance of this).

For such a large grant, which can involve so many different team members, preparing a strong application takes a significant length of time. Email the Research Facilitation Team at an early stage for advice and guidance.

Please submit a free-text one-page Expression of Interest by email to the Research Facilitation Team by 31 August 2024 to receive feedback from a DPIR panel.

This scheme is usually offered on an annual basis.