European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant

Research funding opportunities

For us to meet this deadline, please email the Research Facilitation Team at an early stage

This opportunity offers up to €2.5 million for a period of 5 years.

Are you an established, leading principal investigator who wants long-term funding to pursue a ground-breaking, ambitious project? The ERC Advanced Grant could be for you, and the annual call is now open. This opportunity offers up to €2.5 million for a period of 5 years. There is no constraint in terms of topic.

Now that the UK is once again associated to Horizon Europe, applications for ERC funding have become more straightforward. The University of Oxford is very keen to support researchers in applying for this funding.

Research Services deadline: 15 August 2024. (You must submit your application to DPIR well in advance of this).

Funder deadline: 29 August 2024.

ERC Advanced Grants are a fantastic opportunity. The application process is fairly lengthy and involved, but we are here to support you every step of the way and bring out the very best in your application.

The UKRO (UK Research Office in Brussels, who provide guidance to UK academics about applying for EU funding) also held two helpful webinars about this scheme in June. You can access the slides and recordings here:

Applicants already at Oxford can watch a recording of a recent briefing session on ERC Advanced Grants, or consult the slides from this session.

Please email the Research Facilitation Team at an early stage if you are thinking of applying for this grant.