
William Allen

BA Alma, MPhil DPhil PGCertTLHE Oxon, FHEA

British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow
Non-Stipendiary Research Fellow, Nuffield College
Government and Politics Network
Nuffield College

I am a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow and non-stipendiary research fellow at Nuffield College. My current project, 'Do Facts Still Matter? Examining the Importance of Information for Migration Attitudes', combines computational media analysis, experiments, and counterfactual modelling of global survey data to consider how and for whom factual knowledge about migration matters for political behaviour.

I completed my DPhil in Politics at DPIR with the support of an ESRC Advanced Quantitative Methods studentship, and an MPhil in Development Studies at the Oxford Department of International Development (ODID) as a Jack Kent Cooke Foundation graduate scholar. My dissertation 'Messaging Migration' received the 2020 Lord Bryce Prize for Comparative Politics from the UK Political Studies Association and the 2020 Thomas E. Patterson award from the Political Communication section of the American Political Science Association.

Previously, I was a Supernumerary (Career Development) Teaching Fellow at St John's College, Fellow by Examination (Junior Research Fellow) at Magdalen College, and a Mann Senior Scholar at Hertford College. I also have nearly a decade of research and public engagement experience with Oxford's Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society (COMPAS), including The Migration Observatory and The Global Exchange on Migration and Diversity.


My research agenda, spanning Europe and Latin America, examines how and why people engage with information about economic and political issues--particularly on migration, and through media--and what this means for broader politics and policymaking. Strands within this agenda include:

  • analysing textual, visual, and multimodal content, and finding effective ways of doing so at scale
  • identifying changes in policymakers' agendas, and linking these with dynamics in public opinion and media coverage
  • measuring how political and issue-specific knowledge relates to attitudes and preferences
  • developing and testing information-based interventions

I also have interests in research methods and developing more effective public engagement with social science, with a focus on:

  • experimental methods including conjoint designs
  • computational social science
  • visual methods
  • knowledge exchange and impact


Selected Professional Service

Editorial and Reviewing Work

Deputy Editor, Migration Studies (2024--)
Associate Editor, Journal of Refugee Studies (2021-24)
Associate Editor, Evidence & Policy (2019-24)
Appointed Member, ESRC Peer Review College (2024--) and AHRC Peer Review College (2022--)

University and Departmental Leadership

Co-Chair (2022-24) and DPIR Representative (2021-24), Social Science Division Research Staff Forum
Co-Convenor (2021-24), DPIR Early-Career Researcher Network
Early-Career Representative, DPIR Research Committee (2021--)
Public Engagement with Research Leader, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford (2019-21)