Our Oxford Spring School is available in both in-person and online formats. The week-long course offers graduate students and researchers from universities across the UK and abroad a unique opportunity to learn cutting-edge methods in social science.
Spring School 2025 will run from Monday 31 March to Friday 4 April, and applicants can choose to attend the course either in-person or online.
Apply now.
The Oxford Spring School programme is organised by the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford and consists of nine courses in quantitative and qualitative methods.
This includes new courses for 2025 on Time Series Analysis and Large Language Models. There are six morning courses and three afternoon courses to choose from, and applicants can choose a morning course and an afternoon course together. All participants will also be given access to additional pre-recorded video tutorials on how to use R and Python.
There will be social and networking opportunities throughout the week, including, for in-person attendees, a formal three-course dinner at Brasenose College on Thursday 3 April (included in the course fee). Online participants will have their own virtual welcome reception and networking opportunities.
In-person attendees will have the option to book accommodation for the week at Brasenose College.
Note that for the Oxford Spring School 2025, bursaries will NOT be available except for DPIR DPhil students, who have a separate bursary scheme and application process. If you are a DPIR DPhil student, please email springschool@politics.ox.ac.uk for more information.
Applications to Oxford Spring School will be accepted on a rolling basis, subject to availability, until 12 noon GMT on Monday 3 March 2025, or until all places are reserved.