Walter Mattli and Ngaire Woods co-author Financial Times article
The article `A new architecture for global financial regulation`, co-authored by Professor Walter Mattli and Professor Ngaire Woods, was published in the Financial Times on 19 November 2008.
The article has been reproduced in the Financial Times of 24 November (p. 14 of the paper version) under the title `Who Watches the Watchdog?` and can be read at:
Walter Mattli and Ngaire Woods argue that the G20 summit in Washington, held earlier this month, offers few answers to the question of how the sound new global regulation of financial markets required for global growth is to be achieved. They argue that nothing less than a new global architecture for the regulation of banking and finance is required to ensure success. Such architecture comprises three elements: broad representation in the rule-making process, proper monitoring, and systematic enforcement.
Walter Mattli is Professor of International Political Economy, Official Fellow of St John`s College.
Ngaire Woods is Professor of International Political Economy, Director of the Global Economic Governance Programme, University College.