
Two ESRC Funded Studentships on Equity and Climate Change


Applications are invited for two fully funded 3 year PhD studentship based in the Department of Politics and International Relations to begin in October 2009. The students will be supervised by Professor Simon Caney.

The subject-matter of the two studentships is as follows:

`Intergenerational Equity and Climate Change`. This studentship examines the question: What principles of intergenerational justice should be adopted in the case of climate change? Climate change has considerable long term implications and as such raises a number of important questions of intergenerational equity. Relevant questions include: What is the nature of the claims of future generations? Do future people have rights? Is it legitimate to discount the interests of future generations and if so why? How should current generations balance the interests of the contemporary global poor in development and the interests of future people in not suffering from climate change?

`Justice, Governance and Climate Change`. This studentship examines how national and international political institutions should be structured to bring about an equitable response to climate change. Given its intergenerational and global character, climate change raises difficult challenges for institutional design. Relevant questions include: What fundamental principles should guide institutional design and institutional reform? What role, if any, should be accorded to the principle that those affected by political institutions have a right to take part in the decision-making process? Can democratic institutions be structured to represent the interests of future generations? How should concerns for procedural fairness be combined with a commitment to effectiveness?

ApplicationsApplications are welcome from candidates with an excellent undergraduate degree and a relevant Masters degree or relevant experience. Please note that due to funding restrictions only EU and UK citizens are eligible.

The deadline for applications is 1st July 2009. Please see for application details. Any enquiries should be directed to Professor Simon Caney (please see