
Sarah Hyde

It is with great sadness that I report on the untimely death in October at the age of 47 of Sarah Hyde after a long fight with brain cancer.  Sarah completed her doctorate under Arthur Stockwin’s supervision in 2005 on the subject ‘From Old Socialists to New Democrats: The Realignment of the Japanese Left’. Routledge published the thesis in 2009 as a book entitled ‘The Transformation of the Japanese Left: From Old Socialists to New Democrats’.  She was a member of Pembroke College and went on to a position at the University of Kent after completing her doctorate in DPIR.


Her friend Alan Renwick writes:

“Sarah’s fortitude in the face of her long illness was an example to us all.  She completed her first book long after her brain tumour was diagnosed, and she continued research in preparation for a second.  She was deeply committed to her students at the University of Kent: she loved them, and working with them was central to her continuing sense of purpose in life.  She sometimes found her symptoms and her knowledge of what was to come hard to bear.  Despite these things, she remained the caring, down-to-earth, inquisitive person that people who knew her in Oxford will remember.”

Her funeral took place on October 30th in Dudley.