Registration for ESRC Oxford Spring School 2008 has been extended to Monday 18 February 2008.
The theme for the ESRC Oxford Spring School in Quantitative Methods for Social Research 2008 is `Time-Series Analysis`.
These methods are widely used across the social sciences to test hypotheses about change over time and causal relationships and to develop predictions for the future. The Spring School is a week of courses that you can take on pick-and-mix basis, or do the whole package. It starts with a course in the Stata statistical software which will be used in all the courses for the week. This is followed by a two-day `Introduction to Time-Series Analysis` which will cover the main techniques and main theoretical and practical issues. The replication workshop that follows both introduces further techniques and demonstrates them in an applied research context. The final two days are devoted to the popular topics of Error-Correction Models and Time-Series Cross-Section Analysis.