The Public Services Programme, which is hosted by the Department of Politics and International Relations, is now entering its second commissioning phase and is looking for new projects to apply for ESRC funding in its Second Call, beginning summer 2005. The deadline for applications is 21st October 2005 with commissioning decisions expected in spring 2006.
The Programme is looking for project proposals that combine really interesting questions about public services quality, performance and delivery with neat methodology and important data. We welcome proposals from across the whole range of the social sciences, using any combination of disciplines or approaches to get to the heart of the issues facing public services.
Programme Director Professor Christopher Hood says, substantial progress has been made in commissioning projects that develop the ambitious goals set out in the original research specification but significant gaps remain to be filled in coverage, approach and method.
Applications reflecting any of the Programme`s themes are sought but well-framed applications that seek to fill these gaps will be particularly welcome in the second round of commissioning. We will also be seeking applicants to organise a survey component for the Programme that will leave a substantial legacy of survey research that will significantly add to knowledge about public attitudes to public services.