
Professors Iain McLean and Jim Gallagher talk about Scottish independence


Politics in Spires, a collaboration between the DIPR at the University of Oxford, and the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) at the University of Cambridge, has just launched a new series A Separate or United Kingdom.

DPhil candidate and series curator Richard Johnson (Nuffield College) asked Profedssor Jim Gallagher and Professor Iain McLean, co-authors of Scotland’s Choices, to answer questions about the Scottish independence referendum on 18 September 2014.

They give their views on many of the issues at stake, including citizenship, currency, higher education, and the European Union. Asked to consider a ‘yes’ victory, they explain the complexities of independence negotiations between the Scottish and UK governments.

The film is available now:

Politics in Spires is also running the following series: Book Reviews, Revolutions in the Balance and Co-ops and mutuals: A better way?

Politics in Spires is grateful to the University of Oxford Social Science Division’s High Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) for funding this film.