Professor Vernon Bogdanor discusses Queens Speech on TV and radio programmes
BBC World News, 25/05/2010, 12.49pm
Professor Vernon Bogdanor appeared on GMT with George Alagiah to discuss the Queens Speech (on Tuesday 25th May), and also his former student, David Cameron.
GMT is broadcast weekdays at 1200 and 1230 GMT on BBC World News channel.
Professor Bogdanor also commented on the Queens Speech, and in particular on the series of parliamentary reform bills announced on 25 May 2010, on the BBC News Channel (throughout the day) and on BBC Radio 5s 5 Live Drive (5.38pm). Listen again to 5 live Drivehere.
His comments were also used on a number of other stations including BBC Radio 2sJanice Long Show, BBC Radio Wiltshire and BBC Radio Cornwall.
Vernon Bogdanor Professor of Politics and Government, CUF University Lecturer, Brasenose College