Professor Ngaire Woods talks about the likely fallout of the recent Greek election
Ngaire Woods was interviewed on Newsweek for BBC Radio Scotland (16 June) concerning the latest round of Greek elections, and the likely fallout that will occur whichever party wins.
What were actually seeing, she said, is a brinkmanship being played, where Germany and other eurozone countries, knowing that Greece knows that they cant afford to let Greece go, think that Greece will overplay its hand. (...) The eurozone leaders want to show theyre tough with Greece. They say, Were not going to give an inch. And Greece says, Were not going to meet the terms. My fear is that (...) theres a risk that theyll go too far with their brinkmanship, and fall off a cliff.
The full programme can be heard here(c. 40 mins on clock - link expires 23/06/12).