
Professor Iain McLean discusses Scottish devolution on BBC Radio 4


In an interview with BBC Radio 4s Westminster Hour (2 June), Iain Mclean notes that, no matter which way the Scottish referendum is decided, Scotland will likely see more devolution in the years ahead, as the Scotland Act of 2012 comes into force.

Iain observed that there is much grey area in questions of devolution between independence and remaining part of the UK. There already is quite a lot of devolution over microeconomic policy. If Scotland is going to be a more productive economy, it may be because it has a better educated workforce: thats education policy, thats already devolved Or a more efficient regime to welcome businesses to come to local authority areas in Scotland, again already devolved. The other side, macroeconomic policy, is not going to be devolved under any scheme short of independence, and it seems from the SNPs manifesto that its not going to be devolved even under independence.

Iains remarks draw on research completed for the book Scotlands Choices: The Referendum and What Happens Afterwards. The interview can be heard in full here.