
Professor Christopher Hood gives seminar at HM Treasury on the Geddes axe


Professor Christopher Hood gave a seminar at the Treasury, looking at historical efforts to cut spending as the civil service is coming to grips with an era of fiscal austerity. Officials are pouring over history books and looking at how the `Geddes axe` fell on public spending in the 1920s.

Christopher Hood said: `They are genuinely interested in the history. There is no one in the civil service with real, hand-son experience of fiscal hard times. They know they have to learn very fast`.

Please see the full article in the Financial Times at:

Christopher Hood is Gladstone Professor of Government and Director, ESRC Public Services Programme.

Update 10/09/2009:

Christopher Hood spoke this morning on BBC Radio 4`s Today programme, on how Downing Street can deal with budget restraints.

Please listen to the broadcast at: