
Politics In Spires wins an OxTalent award


Congratulations to the Politics in Spires blog team, who have won the ‘Open Educational Resources projects’ category at the OxTALENT Awards 2012.

Politics in Spires is collaborative effort between the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford and the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge, created with the intent to share, amongst ourselves and with a wider community, thoughts on politics and international relations from scholars at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Scot Peterson, an academic editor and contributor to the blog, said that this award, which is not the first of its kind for the department, shows that the department is committed to integrating its academic mission with those of Oxford University Computing Services and the IT focus of the wider university. He continued, ‘Hearty congratulations and thanks are due to the department staff, and particularly to Kate Candy and Blake Ewing, and to the volunteers that make the blog an important resource.’

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