Politics in Spires blog welcomes new Graduate Student Editor and three Graduate Student Ambassadors
As announced in Trinity terms Newswire, the Politics in Spires blog has a new graduate student editor, Maria Repnikova, second-year DPhil student in Politics. You may be contacted by Maria or Kate Candy as they go about their editorial roles; please do get in touch with either of them if you would like to contribute to the blog.Please see Marias profile onlineon page 7 of Trinity Term 2011 Newswire. Marias post is funded by the tritonproject at Oxford University Computing Services, until 31 August 2011.
Three graduate students, A Blake Ewing (DPhil, Politics), Cailin Crockett (MPhil, Political Theory) and Nemanja Tepavcevic (MPhil, European Politics and Society) will take on a Graduate Ambassador role for the Politics in Spires blog. The Graduate Ambassadors will represent the blog within the Department, particularly helping to raise awareness among the graduate and undergraduate community, and also support content generation. This may be by contributing posts themselves, encouraging others to do so, or conducting interviews or recording speakers at events.