Oxford tops <i>The Guardian</i> UK University rankings yet again
The Department of Politics and International Relations is again the top-ranked Politics department in the UK according to the newly published ‘Good University Guide` in The Guardian newspaper. Ranked ahead of Cambridge and the LSE, the Department received a score of 100. For the third year, Oxford University tops The Guardianrankings as the best university for students. This year the University came first by a margin of 3.4 points compared to .33 points last year.
John Hood, the vice-chancellor of the University, said he was delighted by the recognition for the oldest university in the English-speaking world, stating ‘The result says volumes about the high calibre of our students and staff, the quality of our research and teaching, and the fantastic libraries, museums and other resources I am proud to say we can offer scholars`.
The rankings have been compiled for The Guardian by Campus Pi, an applied research unit at Brunel University, from data returned by the universities to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). The ranking tables are based on data for full-time undergraduates and include seven statistical measures; teaching quality, feedback (as rated by graduates of the course), spending per student, staff/student ratio, entry score, the value-added improvement each university grants its students and job prospects.