A number of University academics have been offering their comments in the media on the changes taking place in Egypt.
Professor David Anderson has been interviewed on BBC Radio Scotland, BBC Radio Sheffield and BBC Radio 5 Live concerning the unfolding events, the former of which can be heard here (c.15:00 on the iPlayer clock). David Anderson is Professor of African Politics, Director of the African Studies Centre, and a Fellow of St Cross College.
Dr Reem Abou-El-Fadel has also been interviewed twice on BBC News 24, and once on BBC Radio Oxford, discussing the momentum of the protest movement. Reem Abou-El-Fadel is Jarvis Doctorow Junior Research Fellow in International Relations & Conflict Resolution in the Middle East at St Edmunds Hall.
Professor Richard Caplan is one of a number of academics to sign a letter to The Guardian (1 February) saying: The Jasmine revolution in Tunisia has offered much hope across the Arab world. We have seen young and hopeful demonstrators in Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, calling for much-needed reform and democracy in their own countries ... We condemn the violent repression of those demonstrations and ask western governments, especially EU members and the US, to respect the Arab worlds desire for change, and to halt their financial and military assistance to autocratic regimes in the region. The full article can be read here. Richard Caplan is Professor of International Relations andOfficialFellow of Linacre College.