Alia Brahimis Jihad and Just War in the War on Terror has recently been published by Oxford University Press. Alia was a doctoral student in IR (supervised by Professor James Piscatori) and a Research Associate on the Oxford Changing Character of War Programme.
In the war on terror, both sides have taken great pains to justify their actions in moral terms. As force is employed so are sophisticated arguments which directly invoke the just war traditions of the west and Islam. Jihad and Just War in the War on Terror offers an exploration of the ways in which George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden drew upon, and simultaneously re-conceptualized, important moral concepts from within the western and Islamic just war traditions. It examines a range of jus ad bellum and jus in bello issues, including western debates about pre-emptive self-defence, Islamic requirements for right authority to declare war, proportionality in the Battle of Fallujah, and the legitimacy of suicide bombing in Islam. The book also considers how a series of authoritative voices in the west and in the Muslim world appealed to just war and jihad ideas to vigorously contest Bush and bin Ladens cases for war. The authors central argument--that the Bush administration and al-Qaeda departed from important consensuses about justified warfare--contains within it an alternative way of understanding the war on terror. Rather than a clash between civilizations, Brahimi suggests that the conflict can be accounted for by a clash within civilizations: in resorting to war, both sides acted against their own traditions and contravened the requirements of their own civilizations.
This book is a project of the Oxford Leverhulme Programme on the Changing Character of War.
Examines the moral arguments on both sides of the war on terror
Furthers cross-cultural understanding
Introduces the western just war tradition to a non-Western audience and the Islamic jihad tradition to a non-Muslim audience
Product Details
336 pages; 6-1/4 x 9-1/4; ISBN13: 978-0-19-956296-1ISBN10: 0-19-956296-2