
Janina Dill named a Professor by the University

Janina Dill has been awarded the title Professor of US Foreign Policy in the University of Oxford’s Recognition of Distinction exercise 2022. The title recognises Professor Dill’s significant and sustained academic contribution to the University through her research, teaching and good citizenship.

Professor Dill’s research concerns the role of law and morality in international relations, specifically in war. Her work helps further understanding of how rules for the conduct of war, including the laws of war, act as an instrument of morality.

She is a current recipient of a prestigious Leverhulme Prize, which is enabling her innovative research into how moral principles influence soldiers’ decision-making in war and how they shape the attitudes of civilians affected by conflict. In addition to numerous publications and books that she has authored and co-authored – namely Law Applicable to Armed Conflict (2020) and Legitimate Targets? International Law, Social Construction and US Bombing (2015) - Professor Dill has shared her expertise in this area with the public through various media appearances and articles.

Petra Schleiter, Joint Head of Department, comments: “We are delighted to learn that Janina’s outstanding scholarship and her leadership, as Course Director of the International Relations MPhil at DPIR and Co-Director of the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law, and Armed Conflict (ELAC), has been recognised by the University. Congratulations Janina!’

We are delighted to learn that Janina’s outstanding scholarship and her leadership has been recognised by the University.

Professor Petra Schleiter, Joint Head of Department