Introducing the Oxon China series on Politics in Spires
A new collaborative project between Politics in Spires and the Oxford China Centre, Oxon China will provide academic analysis on the economic, political, and cultural transformations underway in China today.
As China emerges from poverty into a leading world power, there is a critical need for nuanced, in-depth analysis of the countrys contemporary strengths and challenges and its effects on the world. Too often debates on China are expressed in black and white terms; the country will either collapse or conquer the world, it is either historys greatest success story or nothing more than an authoritarian regime. Drawing on a wide range of Oxford academics producing careful, informed research, Oxon China will seek to build a sharper and stronger understanding of contemporary China informed by a deep engagement with Chinas history, culture, language and society.
The blog series will be edited by two Oxford academics, Professor Rana Mitter and Dr Rogier Creemers, and will feature articles primarily by Oxfords China researchers on the basis of their research projects and the particular perspective that the China Centre offers.
The Oxon China series can be found on the Politics in Spires website here. More information on the new Oxford China Centre, which in spring 2014 will move into a brand new building, can be found here. The series is funded by a Higher Education Innovation Fund supplementary award for 2012-13 (HEIF5+).