Instincts to lead: on leadership, peace, and education by Donald Markwell
In this volume, the former global head of the Rhodes Scholarships, Dr Donald Markwell – the first Rhodes Scholar to hold that position – discusses how good leadership can be promoted, drawing on examples of leaders from Nelson Mandela to Margaret Thatcher, as well as other leaders in politics, education, culture, intellectual thought, and more.
The vision of Cecil Rhodes to promote international peace through scholarships that would create ‘educational relations’ between countries is illustrated here through the experience of the German Rhodes Scholarships in the 20th century, and points to the value of scholarships to engage China and other countries in the 21st century. A scholar of international relations, Dr Markwell also discusses other approaches to promoting peace and preventing war.
In papers from his experience as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) of the University of Western Australia and as Warden of Rhodes House, Oxford, Dr Markwell discusses the spirit of a university, the value of liberal education, and the importance of collegiate education and of student engagement in the extra-curricular life of a university campus. These are educational values which the Rhodes Scholarships have promoted, and which are important to prepare students well for the challenges of a century of global forces and rapid change.
About the author Rhodes Scholar for Queensland for 1981, Dr Donald Markwell served as Warden of Rhodes House, Oxford (2009-12); as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) of the University of Western Australia (2007-09); as Warden of Trinity College, University of Melbourne (1997-2007); and as Fellow & Tutor in Politics at Merton College, Oxford (1986-97). He has headed the Menzies Research Centre, an Australian public policy think tank, since 2012.
Praise for papers in this collection:
‘Don Markwell’s rich discussion of transformational leadership reflects his own deep experience as a transformative leader in both the global Rhodes community and the University of Western Australia. In this very thoughtful collection, Markwell engages head-on with the significant challenges and opportunities of the current century, including the rapid rise of Asia and the need for world-class education.’ Dominic Barton Managing Director, McKinsey & Company, Rhodes Trustee
‘In our fast changing and globalising world, the tasks to ensure peace and prosperity become ever more daunting. By combining thoughts on leadership and education, Don Markwell provides many valuable insights in how great leaders and great institutions have brought about the necessary change, often in very challenging circumstances. Especially in times of growing scepticism in the world, he shows us many paths of how to get things done.’ Dr Hans-Paul Buerkner Chairman of The Boston Consulting Group, Chairman of the Association of German Rhodes Scholars
‘Don Markwell brings to the pages of this collection his striking qualities of depth of vision and enthusiasm of purpose - but, above all, his passionate belief in the importance of individual agency and leadership. His essays, seeded throughout with self-effacing wit, are thought-provoking, often profound and informative, but above all hopeful in their belief in our own capacity to make a difference to the world we live in.’ Justice Edwin Cameron Judge of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, General Secretary to the Rhodes Trust for Southern Africa
‘This collection represents an important contribution to the legacy left by Cecil Rhodes when he established the Rhodes Scholarships over a century ago. Dr. Donald Markwell’s reflections capture and advance Rhodes’ vision of global leadership, international understanding, and liberal education, and provide important guidance for emerging leaders in the 21st century.’ Justice Eileen E Gillese Judge of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, Canada
‘Don Markwell’s collection of essays captures admirably the spirit of leadership, whether in the fields of statesmanship, or education, or the realm of culture and ideas. Equally, Don’s own career in academia and university leadership encapsulates many of the qualities most needed for success in those fields. Like time spent in Don’s company, this collection promises instruction, information, and enjoyment.’ Professor Andrew D Hamilton Vice-Chancellor, University of Oxford
‘I have personally benefited from Don's nurturing of “instincts to lead”, from my first meeting with him at the Constitution Hill Precinct in South Africa to our many interactions at Rhodes House. I feel privileged that my time in Oxford coincided with his term as Warden and am excited that the wisdom he so generously shared with all of us, as we endeavoured to carve out our own paths, is available for everyone to share in this lovely book.’ Dr Kopano Matlwa Mabaso Doctor and prize-winning author, Rhodes Scholar for South Africa
‘This book is an insightful, incisive and thoughtful exploration of leadership in education by a leading scholar.’ Professor Alan Robson AO Vice-Chancellor, The University of Western Australia (2004-12)
‘Don was a magnificent Warden at Rhodes House, the steward of a global institution committed to producing exceptional leaders. In his three years as Warden, the Rhodes Trust underwent a complete transformation. Don led the way by giving completely of himself, and achieved a staggering amount. All of us benefited from his vision, humility and grace. He is a true leader, and his warmth, energy, research and passion shine through in these speeches. I have enjoyed listening to his speeches, and I encourage you to learn about leadership, as also the fine craft of writing compelling speeches.’ Prashant Sarin Partner, Bain & Company, New Delhi, India
‘In these elegant speeches and essays, Don Markwell gives us a beautifully articulated vision of leadership. Ranging from Australia to Oxford to South Africa, from the 19th century to the 21st, Markwell draws on history, the stories of inspiring individuals and his own deep experience of higher education to give us much-needed wisdom for our institutions and communities today.’ Very Revd Dr Jane Shaw Dean of Grace Cathedral, San Francisco Formerly Dean of Divinity, New College, Oxford
‘Drawing on his own considerable experience, Dr. Markwell has made the case very well, writing with grace, knowledge, understanding and conviction. [We] are much in his debt.’ Professor Thomas H B Symons Founding President, Trent University, Canada