Dr Serena Sharma comments on Libya on Politics in Spires blog
Dr Serena Sharma has posted a blog on thePolitics in Spires collaborative blog with POLIS, University of Cambridge, titled Is Operation Odyssey Dawn a Just Intervention? Assessing the Relationship Between Cause and Conduct.
In her blog, Serena Sharma examines the relationship between the issues of cause and conduct in relation to the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 on Libya. She says:
The justification for resorting to force is, however, but one aspect of the broader just war framework. Of equal significance are those questions pertaining to the conduct of war. In Western moral and legal thought, the issues of cause and conduct are often viewed as distinct. Consequently, the two tend to be evaluated independent of one another, such that, as Professor Karma Nabulsi has noted it is possible to break all the rules while fighting a just war or to be engaged in an unjust war while adhering to the laws of armed conflict.In situations such as the ongoing operation in Libya, upholding this neat separation will be difficult to maintain in practice, as cause and conduct will interact in crucial ways.
Serena goes on to explore this interaction. Please see the full article
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