Dr Sarmila Bose writes blog for Politics in Spires: Did Churchill Starve Bengal?
Dr Sarmila Bose discusses Madhusree Mukerjees book Churchills Secret War: the British Empire and the Ravaging of India during World War II (Basic Books, New York 2010) on the Politics in Spires blog.
In her book, Madhusree Mukerjee gives an account of the Bengal Famine. Sarmila Bose says, For as much as Churchills Secret War seems to zero in on decisions taken by the war-time prime minister and his adviser Lord Cherwell, the racism and sheer odium of both of whom is on stark display in the evidence presented by Mukerjee, this book is much more of an indictment of what colonialism was really about than the title suggests. She describes her reaction: Mukerjees book truly hits you in the gut and goes on to link to further discussions in the New York Review of Books and elsewhere.