
Dr Sarmila Bose writes an article for Al Jazeera on her new book: Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh War


Sarmila Bose has written an article for Al Jazeera online (9th May) on her recent book, Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh War, which has ignited a passionate debate about the truth and the mythology of the Bangladesh Liberation war of 1971.

Sarmila writes: As soon as I started to do systematic research on the 1971 war, I found that there was a problem with the story which I had grown up believing: from the evidence that emanated from the memories of all sides at the ground level, significant parts of the dominant narrative seem not to have been true. Many facts had been exaggerated, fabricated, distorted or concealed. Many people in responsible positions had repeated unsupported assertions without a thought; some people seemed to know that the nationalist mythologies were false and yet had done nothing to inform the public. I had thought I would be chronicling the details of the story of 1971 with which I had been brought up, but I found instead that there was a different story to be told.

Sarmilas book is available to buy in paperback from Amazon.