Dr Ngaire Woods Awarded John Fell OUP Research Fund
Dr Ngaire Woodswas awarded funding from the John Fell OUP Research Fund for a project entitled Rolling Out Affordable Health Solutions for the World`s Poorest`, which she is pursuing jointly with Oxford`s Department of Public Health and the Tropical Medicine Network. The project aims to examine half a dozen of the lowest-cost, most effective health care interventions for the worlds poorest. It will investigate what it would take to more effectively roll-out these solutions. A key strength of this project is the interdisciplinary team which will work on it. The three Oxford research groups involved include Oxford`s Centre for Tropical Medicine which will provide the biomedical knowledge of healthcare in the poorest countries; Oxford`s Department of Public Health providing the analysis of the limits and possibilities of health policy, and the Global Economic Governance Programme which brings expertise in the analysis of the governance of international aid and public health and how they are impeding or facilitating affordable solutions. The collaboration makes is possible to develop and extend criteria for effectiveness and impact which go well beyond existing studies.
Dr Ngaire Woods is University Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, Director of the Global Economic Governance Programme, University College.