Dr Jonathan Leader Maynard writes on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s comments on the anniversary of the Dresden bombing
Jonathan Leader Maynard has had a letter published in the Daily Mail (19 February) on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s comments on the anniversary of the Dresden bombing.
He begins by saying:
It’s important that the British military policies in World War II should not be misunderstood. The denunciation of those like Archbishop Justin Welby and the BBC, who acknowledge that in fighting a moral war, one can still commit immoral crimes, repeats wartime efforts to lambast informed critics of Allied bombing policy. Efforts to treat the German people and Hitler as one and the same repeats the defence of mass-bombing from the early-Forties. The Blitz was a crime, killing 43,000 innocent British civilians — and every German Chancellor since 1945 has apologised for Nazi crimes. But two wrongs do not make a right — Allied bombing killed between 300,000 and 600,000 German civilians, and it wasn’t possible to ensure these were only Nazi supporters.