Dr Jochen Prantl Awarded International Fellow at Waseda University
Dr Jochen Prantl has been elected for the position of International Fellow at Waseda University`s 21st Century Centre of Excellence programme on global governance (COE-GLOPE) in Tokyo. The fellowship is fully funded and will start in October 2006 for a period of 3-6 months. COE-GLOPE is part of Waseda`s Faculty of Political Science and Economics.
While there, Jochen will work on his project, Taming Hegemony: Informal Institutions and U.S. Foreign Policy.` He will also continue with his cross-institutional and cross-regional comparison of the dynamic relationship between informal groups of states and formal international organizations. Jochen is particularly interested to look at this from an East-Asian perspective.
Dr Jochen Prantl is a Research Fellow in International Relations and Research Fellow of Nuffield College. Some recent publications are, The UN Security Council and Informal Groups of States: Complementing or Competing for Governance? (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), Informal Groups of States and the UN Security Council,` International Organization 59:3 (2005), The Consolidation of Peace in Africa, co-authored with Jane Boulden, S Neil MacFarlane and David Williams, (Oxford: Centre for International Studies, 2005) and Informal Groups of Member States,` in The United Nations: Confronting the Challenges of a Global Society, Jean E Krasno, ed. (Boulder, Co.: Lynne Rienner, 2004).