Dr Jennifer Welsh awarded $150,000 from The Trudeau Foundation
Dr Jennifer Welsh has been awarded $150,000 from The Trudeau Foundation. Trudeau Fellowships are unsolicited prizes. The Foundation does not accept applications for Trudeau Fellowships from individuals. Jennifer will commence her work with the Foundation in academic year of 2006/2007 and it will continue over three years. Her central research project is on changing conceptions of sovereignty in international relations, with a particular emphasis on intervention, state recognition, and post-conflict state-building.
Jennifer said of her award, I look forward to joining the community of scholars that The Trudeau Foundation has so skilfully established. Exchanging ideas within this network will help develop and sharpen my own thinking, and I am grateful to the Foundation for providing me with the means to focus broadly on the issues that I am passionate about.`
The Trudeau Foundation is based in Canada and aims to generate and enhance public debate on the country`s major issues and to provide the citizens of Canada and the world with a deeper experience of, and commitment to, democracy. In addition it seeks to promote dialogue between scholars and policymakers in government, business, the voluntary sector, the professions and the arts community.
Jennifer is UL in International Relations and Tutorial Fellow in International Relations at Somerville College. Some of her recent publications include Humanitarian Intervention and International Relations (Oxford University Press, paperback edition forthcoming autumn 2006), Reality and Canadian Foreign Policy,` in Canada Among Nations: Split Images, edited by Andrew F. Cooper and Dane Rowlands (McGill-Queens University Press, Winter 2005), At Home in the World: Canada`s Global Vision for the 21st Century (HarperCollins, 2004), and Authorising Humanitarian Intervention,` in The United Nations and Global Security, edited by Richard Price and Mark Zacher (Palgrave, Spring, 2004).