Dr Hugo Slim awarded Research Funding for ELACs Humanitarian Ethics Project
Dr Hugo Slim has been awarded funding from a total of eight funding bodies for ELACs Humanitarian Ethics Project, for the period 15 January 2012 to 15 September 2012.
The project is jointly funded by the British Red Cross, Oxfam, Save the Children, World Vision (UK and International), the Catholic Fund for Overseas Development (CAFOD), World Jewish Relief and Islamic Relief.
Dr Hugo Slim is the leader of this project along with Anais Resseguier. The project will produce the first major practical text on humanitarian agency ethics in wars and disasters. It is working with twelve of the worlds largest international humanitarian agencies to develop direct and remote ethical training for humanitarian workers around the globe. Its key aim is to raise professional consciousness of moral choices in humanitarian work and to improve ethically accountable decision-making across the humanitarian sector.