Dr Gwendolyn Sasse writes on the Ukrainian EuroMaiden protest movement
Gwen Sasse has co-written an article (27 February) for the Washington Post's 'Monkey Cage' blog with Dr Olga Onuch (SIAS and Nuffield College, Oxford) entitled 'What does Ukraine’s #Euromaidan teach us about protest?'
In it they write: Protests that involve ordinary citizens are rare and confusing events, in particular if they last for a long time like the Ukrainian protests that began in November. [...] The Ukrainian protest cycle since November provides us with important insights into the often misunderstood dynamics of popular mobilization. It follows a number of patterns known from other cases of mobilization, but it also highlights some underexplored aspects and provides important correctives, not least to accounts of protests given by journalists and analysts in the heat of the moment. It also breaks with the model of electoral revolutions centered on rigged elections in competitive authoritarian regimes.