Dr David Rodin on the moral argument against nuclear weapons
David Rodin was one of the panellists in The Moral Maze programme of BBC Radio 4 (7 March) discussing whether it can be morally justified to keep our own nuclear arsenal while at the same time preaching non-proliferation to the Iranians as they advance their nuclear programme.
David took the position that our possession of nuclear weapons and the decision to renew the Trident deterrent system absolutely undermines our moral argument towards Iran. He said “the moral case against nuclear weapons is extremely simple: any use of a nuclear weapon would involve a mass killing of innocent persons; in other words, mass murder and the position of these weapons as a deterrent involves the intention to kill other people, to murder other people as a means of gaining a political advantage, and neither of those two states are acceptable.”
To listen to this combative, provocative and engaging debate, click here (at approximately 26 mins 47 secs on the iPlayer clock).