
DPIR's Marina Pérez de Arcos wins the Elizabeth Greenhalgh Memorial Award for Outstanding Female Scholar 2023

Marina Pérez de Arcos, Research Associate at DPIR, who took both her MPhil and DPhil at the department, has been awarded the Elizabeth Greenhalgh Memorial Award for Outstanding Female Scholar 2023 by the International Society for First World War Studies.

In announcing the award, the awards committee said that they were "unanimous about the outstanding calibre of Marina’s profile, the excellence and innovation of her research, and commitment to public engagement with research."

On receiving the award, Marina said: "I am deeply honoured to receive the Elizabeth Greenhalgh Award for Outstanding Emerging Female Scholar from the International Society for First World War Studies, the largest association of its kind.

"Given that my personal background differs substantially from the conventional WWI scholar, this recognition brings me even greater joy and gratitude.

"Looking ahead, I’m excited about my future research, including completing the editing of two special issues on internment and a new European Commission-funded grant focused on humanitarianism during the Great War, which I'll discuss at All Souls in November. This award and upcoming projects continue to fuel my dedication to this field and its historical and international relations significance."


I owe my thanks to students and teachers, especially Margaret MacMillan, who was my first tutor during my early days at Oxford, many years ago, as well as my esteemed colleagues, David Stevenson, Mahon Murphy, Matthew Stibbe, Heather Jones, Dina Gusejnova, and Arnd Bauerkämper.
Dr Marina Pérez de Arcos

The International Society of First World War Studies is the world's largest global association dedicated to bringing together scholars working on the Great War. Elizabeth Greenhalgh began her career in First World War Studies as a research assistant in the early 1990s. Frustrated by the absence of the French Army in Anglophone accounts of the First World War’s military history, she embarked on postgraduate and academic research initially focused on Franco-British military relations (‘never’, as her former supervisor, Robin Prior, relates ‘Anglo-French’), subsequently publishing Victory Through Coalition and several other important works on the French military’s role as she became a scholar of international standing.