Department of Politics and Oxford University top league tables
The Department of Politics has scored top marks in The Good University Guide 2009 receiving a perfect score of 100. This put the Department clear of rivals LSE (99.3), Cambridge (99.2), King`s College London (96.2) and Bristol (96.1).
Oxford University has also come top of The Good University Guide league table, for the sixth time in the last seven years.
The Vice-Chancellor for the University of Oxford said: ‘Oxford`s top position is the result of the commitment and enthusiasm of our outstanding scholars and students, assisted by committed administrative and support staff.`
The Good University Guide, published in association with the Independent newspaper, judge`s institutions on nine measures: student satisfaction, research assessment, entry standards, degree results, completion rates, job prospects, student/staff ratio, spending on academic services such as libraries, and spending on facilities such as careers and health services.