Department academics offer comment on the current crisis in Ukraine
Many academics in the Department of Politics and International Relations have been asked to comment on the current crisis unfolding in Ukraine.
In addition to her recent post for the Monkey Cage blog on what can be learnt from the Ukraine protests, Dr Gwendolyn Sasse has written another post entitled 'Crimean autonomy: A viable alternative to war?' (3 March), in which she writes: ‘The issue of Crimean separatism is not new. In the early post-Soviet period it became one of the biggest challenges newly independent Ukraine had to manage. A closer look at the events of the early 1990s and the concept of Crimean autonomy helps to put current events in perspective and points to an alternative to war.’
She also appeared on BBC News (25 February), NTB News Agency in Norway (27 February) and in articles for Deutsche Welle (27 February) and the Financial Times (7 March).
Professor Richard Caplan has also been discussing the issue on the David Prever programme (BBC Radio Oxford, 3 March). Dr Alex Pravda also discussed the issue to Paul Franks on BBC Radio WM on the same day.
Professor Neil MacFarlane was also interviewed (3 March) on France24 on whether the US and UK were bound to intervenve in Ukraine. Interviews can be found here: