
David Adler’s report shows house price rises are linked to private tenant evictions


David Adler, a departmental graduate student, has written a report for the Generation Rent organisation which shows that private tenants in England are over 2.5 times as likely to be evicted through no fault of their own as they were seven years ago.

“These findings demonstrate that house price inflation not only makes homeownership harder to access, but undermines tenants’ security in their current home,” David said.

“When house prices are low and the economy is performing poorly, landlords may not be able to find another tenant or a buyer, so they are forced to negotiate with existing tenants, and rents fall.

“When house prices are rising, evictions allow landlords to free up their property for sale or raise their rents to a new tenant, and rents then rise.”

This report was featured in a Buzzfeed article (31 October):

A PDF of the full report can be read here:  

David Adler is an MPhil candidate in Politics at the University of Oxford, researching the ongoing British housing crisis.