
Dapo Akande comments on legality of British military intervention in Syria


Dapo Akande has been interviewed as part of an article by Channel 4 online entitled Is UK military action in Syria legal? - the key questions.

When asked whether parliament actually matters when it comes to the final decision of whether to intervene militarily in Syria, Dapo replied, Yes. And no. There is no legal requirement for parliament to approve military action, but the main calculation is political: would the public accept an invasion that had not been approved by MPs? And would the parties themselves be happy with it?

The full article can be read here:

Dapo was also interviewed about the legality of intervention in Syria on BBC World Services Newshour. Please listen to the broadcast at (c.30:00 on the iPlayer clock).

Dapo Akande is co-director of the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict (ELAC), University Lecturer in Public International Law, University of Oxford & Yamani Fellow, St Peters College.