Crisis of Conservatism? The Republican Party, the Conservative Movement, & American Politics After Bush
Gillian Peele has co-edited a book with Joel Aberbach entitled Crisis of Conservatism? The Republican Party, the Conservative Movement and American Politics After Bush, published by Oxford University Press.
The book explores various aspects of the relationship between the Conservative Movement and the Republican Party from the end of the George W Bush presidency to the middle of the Obama presidency. The authors approach the topic from different perspectives and include academic authorities on the American right (such as Mark Rozell who has written extensively on the relationship between religion and politics in the United States) and key players in the Conservative Movement including Christopher de Muth (former President of the American Enterprise Institute) and Michael Tanner (of the Cato Institute). The essays analyse the ideological divisions and cross-currents found in contemporary American conservatism and discuss their policy implications. There is extensive discussion of the various achievements and failures of the Bush administration and consideration of the influence of the Tea Party insurgents.
The book is based on a Conference held in May 2008 and kindly sponsored by the British Academy, the Department of Politics and International Relations and the Rothermere American Institute.
Further information on the book can be found here.
You can also read a Q & A with Gillian Peel about this book on the Politics In Spires website.