
The US-China conflict: What implications for the world trading system?

10 Jun 2020
15:00 UK time
Lloyd C. Nelson
Robert Howse
Prof. Rana Mitter
Ignacio Garcia Bercero
delivered via Zoom
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The webinar will discuss the implications of the US-China conflict for the global trading system. We will discuss the factors that explain the current US-China conflicts and ask whether this is best understood as a geopolitical conflict carried out through geoeconomic instruments or a trade conflict aiming at establishing a level playing field. Other questions to be discussed: What is the significance of the Phase One US-China and what can be the next steps in US-China trade relations? How should the EU position itself in the US-China Trade conflict? Can WTO rules be adjusted to better manage competition between China and more market based economies?If so,what could be the priorities for WTO reform?

An initial discussion will be followed by a Q & A.
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