
South China Sea Contemporary Issues Workshop

9 Nov 2022
08:30 UK time
St Antony's College, Investcorp Theatre, Oxford China Centre and online - zoom, 62 Woodstock Road OX2 6JF
Organiser contact
Registration closes at 12noon on Tue 8 November, for both online and in person attendence.
South China Sea: Contemporary Issues Workshop
Organised by the Asian Studies Centre, St Antony's College and The China Centre

“We welcome you to participate in a discussion of a set of issues that could not be more timely. What happens in the South China Sea could potentially have global ramifications. We very much look forward to a lively and fruitful exchange!” Prof Todd Hall

Full Programme
St Antony's College - Investcorp Lecture Theatre

8.30 Registration/ Coffee

8.45 Welcome from Prof. Faisal Devji

9.00 Recent Developments in the South China Sea - Bill Hayton (Chatham House)
Chair: Rosemary Foot

Oxford China Centre - Auditorium

10.00 Session 1: Regional Perspectives on Recent Developments
Antonio Carpio (Retired Supreme Court Justice, Philippines)
Evan A Laksmana (National University of Singapore)
Shahriman Lockman (Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia)
Vu Hai Dang (Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore)
Chair; Rachel Murphy

11.15 Break

11.30 Session 2: External Perspectives
Kerry Brown (Lau China Institute)
Marianne Peron-Doise (Institute for International and Strategic Relations)
Chair: Kate Sullivan de Estrada

12.15 Session 3: Legal Perspectives
Antonio Carpio (Retired Supreme Court Justice, Philippines)
Robert Beckman (National University of Singapore)
Chair: Faisal Devji

13.00 Lunch break

14.00 Session 4: Scholarly Perspectives
Katherine Morton (Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University)
Andrew Chubb (Lancaster University)
Keyuan Zou (Dalian Maritime University)
Steven Everts (EEAS)
Chair: Todd Hall

15.00 Concluding Words - Prof. Todd Hall

All are welcome but pre-registration is required.

This is a hybrid event and will take place online via zoom and in person at St Antony's College and the Oxford China Centre. Please register for an online ticket to be sent the zoom link. If you wish to attend in person please register for an in-person ticket and join us at St Antony's College, Oxford).

Pre-registration required registration closes Tue 8 Nov at 12noon.