
Quo Vadis ODID? Climate change, growth, and the future of development

3 Nov 2023
17:00 UK time
Queen Elizabeth House, Seminar Room 1, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Climate Change and the Challenges of Development
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How, if at all, can we square sustainability with economic growth?

Do the current measures of ‘green growth’ suffice to abate the problems of environmental degradation and climate change, or do we need more radical ideas of ‘degrowth’ and fundamentally different economic systems?

Join ODID staff, researchers, students and alumni as we debate how our department should position itself.

What stance should we adopt in balancing economic expansion with environmental preservation and resource depletion? To what extent do green growth initiatives reproduce the structural inequalities within and between countries? What metrics should we use to encompass well-being and economic prosperity alongside environmental health?

The challenges of developing better societies as climate change accelerates concern us all. Critical debate and open-hearted discussions are crucial and we welcome input from both within and beyond the

Whether you’re a firm believer in market mechanisms, a secret plant whisperer, or both – please join us and share your thoughts!