
Presidential Transitions: lessons for 2025

6 Mar 2024
12:30 UK time
Christopher Liddell
Rothermere American Institute, Main Seminar Room, 1A South Parks Road OX1 3UB
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In the wake of Super Tuesday, is the United States heading to another presidential transition in January 2025? Join us for a lunchtime discussion with Chris Liddell, who served as the White House Deputy Chief of Staff during the Trump Administration and is the author of a new book on presidential transitions. We will discuss the state of the race, the challenges all the candidates face in the 2024 election and ask what a new Republican administration would look like.

Christopher P. Liddell has held senior roles in politics, the private sector, and philanthropy. He was White House Deputy Chief of Staff during the Trump Administration, and has been involved in three presidential transition cycles, including the White House operational head of the transition to the Biden Administration, where he played a key role. In the private sector, he has been Chief Financial Officer of several major companies, including Microsoft and General Motors. Liddell graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering from Auckland University and a Master of Philosophy from the University of Oxford.