
The Potential Impact of European Aids on National Curriculum in Emerging Entities Under and Post-Conflicts: Palestine As a Case

3 Jun 2022
17:00 UK time
Haya Fayyad Abu Hussein (Birzeit University/ Palestine)
St Antony's College, Investcorp Lecture Theatre , 62 Woodstock Road OX2 6JF
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Haya Fayyad Abu Hussein is a visiting fellow at St. Antony’s and the Middle East Centre from Birzeit University, Palestine. During her visit to Oxford, Dr. Fayyad Abu Hussein conducted research about the potential impact of European financial aids on the national and historical content of the Palestinian school curriculum.

Dr. Fayyad Abu Hussein is an assistant professor at the Department of Languages and Translation at Birzeit University, Palestine. She worked as a school teacher in the Ministry of Education for 14 years. She took her BA in English Language and Literature from An Najah National University in 2004, and her MA in the Arts of Teaching English from the Al-Quds University-Bard College in 2015. In 2016 she was awarded a Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching in Indiana University in the United States of America. She completed her Doctorate at Yarmouk University, Jordan in Curriculum and Methods of Instruction with distinction in 2020. In her research, Dr. Fayyad Abu Hussein is mainly interested in EFL and Curriculum studies.


The presentation will shed light on the conducted research as follows. The visiting researcher will give an elaborated presentation of the research
problem, purpose of the study, significance, the procedures of the research, the findings, and the recommendations.