
PLP Colloquium: Liam Murphy (NYU) engages with Tsilly Dagan (Law)

14 Oct 2022
14:00 UK time
Professor Liam Murphy
Tsilly Dagan
All Souls College Library, Old Library, All Souls College. Ask at lodge for directions., High Street OX1 4AL
Philosophy, Law, and Politics Colloquium
Organiser contact
Members of the University only
The Oxford Philosophy, Law, and Politics (PLP) Colloquium is an interdisciplinary colloquium series that brings together theorists from philosophy, law, politics, and beyond to discuss works-in-progress by distinguished scholars.

Liam Murphy is Herbert Peterfreund Professor of Law and Professor of Philosophy at NYU. He works in legal, moral, and political philosophy and the application of these inquiries to law, legal institutions, and legal theory. A central theme in all Murphy’s work is that legal, moral, and political theory cannot be pursued independently of one another; they are, in fact, different dimensions of a single subject. This theme is evident in his most recent book What Makes Law (2014), which locates the traditional philosophical issue of the grounds of law (the factors that determine the content of the law in force) within broader issues of political theory. Murphy has been awarded fellowships at Columbia’s Society of Fellows in the Humanities, Harvard’s Society of Fellows, and the National Humanities Center. He has been an associate editor and is now a member of the editorial board of Philosophy & Public Affairs..

Tsilly Dagan will be opening the discussion of Murphy's work, centred around a work-in-progress paper which will be distributed to registrants several weeks before the event.

To register for the event, and to receive a copy of the paper, please email oxfordPLPevents@gmail.com.

Accompanying the colloquium will be an Oxford PLP Seminar for students with Prof. Ruth Chang, during which the paper and any other relevant material to the colloquium will be discussed. The seminar will be held in person, in Bostar Hall, University College on 13 October 2022, 2-4pm. Please specify when registering if you wish to also attend the seminar.