
OxPeace Negotiation and Mediation Training Workshop

16 - 18 Mar
09:00 UK time
Martin Albani
Valentin Ade
Douglas Carpenter
Liz Carmichael
Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Organiser contact
Open to students, academic staff, and practitioners.
Fees are subsidized: Students £50, academic staff £60, practitioners and others £100.
OxPeace invites you to a three-day Negotiation and Mediation Training Workshop, Monday 16 - Wednesday 18 March 2020 (Ninth week, Hilary Term) at Queen Elizabeth House, Mansfield Rd, Oxford.

‘Negotiating and Mediating Successfully in International and Grassroots Conflict Resolution’

Led by Martin Albani, of the European External Action Service, and Valentin Ade, negotiation trainer and founder of The Negotiation Studio (www.negotiationstudio.com), accompanied by Douglas Carpenter, Coordinator for Economy and Natural Resources of the European External Action Service Department for Africa (participating in a personal capacity), with input from Dr Liz Carmichael MBE (South Africa: local peace committees and infrastructures for peace).

This three-day course will cover the fundamentals of successful international negotiation and mediation, then move to several role plays and simulations up to a comprehensive capstone exercise, simulating negotiations of a complex international crisis in a fragile state. In addition, we would include findings from our latest research on political negotiations and several examples from our experience from (peace) negotiations in the field. This will include a look at mediation in grassroots peacebuilding, and ‘infrastructures of peace’.

Open to students, academic staff, and practitioners. Fees are subsidized: Students £50, academic staff £60, practitioners and others £100. Coffee/tea breaks and sandwich lunch are included, but please note that accommodation and other meals are not offered by the organisers.

Applications: please send a brief CV (including your current course if you are a student) and your brief statement on why you would like to participate, to Student Assistant Organiser Rachel Morrow at oxnegotiation@gmail.com, by Friday 13 March.

Martin Albani is an official at the European External Action Service in Brussels, currently on sabbatical leave. In his work he focuses on supporting peace mediation and negotiations as well as security sector reform in complex crisis situations and fragile states, in particular in Africa. Mr. Albani has 10 years professional experience in the field of international politics and cooperation, including in the European External Action Service, European Commission, European Parliament, German Federal Government and with the United Nations. He holds a M.Sc. in International Relations from the London School of Economics.

Douglas Carpenter works at the European External Action Service in Brussels. He studied at St John's College Oxford and began his career in the Scottish administration before joining the European Commission in 1993. He has worked in recent years on a number of EU foreign policy priorities, including Ukraine, the Southern Caucasus and Africa. From 2004-2008 he was posted in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, as economic adviser. He is currently responsible for relations with Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean. The facilitators take part in a voluntary and personal capacity, and views expressed should not be taken as representing official positions of the EU.

OxPeace (Oxford Network of Peace Studies) is an associated project of the Centre for International Studies in the Department or Politics and International Relations. https://www.politics.ox.ac.uk/cis/cis-research-oxford-network-of-peace-studies-oxpeace.html