
The Integrated Review, the fall of Afghanistan and the Indo-Pacific "tilt"

13 Oct 2021
17:15 UK time
Dr Rob Johnson
All Souls - Wharton Room
Changing Character of War Centre (CCW) Wednesday Evening Seminar Series
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Dr Rob Johnson is the Director of the Changing Character of War (CCW) research centre at Oxford. Rob acts as a specialist advisor to governments and international armed forces on strategy, cyber, ‘new tech’, and the conduct of armed conflict. He has run ‘Insight and Understanding’ courses for a number of agencies on areas of security interest. He is author of Military Strategy in the Twenty-First Century (Hurst and Oxford University Press, 2020), The Conduct of War (Routledge, 2021), and World Information War (Routledge, 2021; Defence Studies series) as well as several other works on conflicts in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. He has examined the problems of strategy in a variety of contexts and publications, and draws attention to the local perspectives as well as the difficulties of forming judgements based on a selective reading of history or on the misuse of theories of international relations and politics. He is currently working on a monograph on Anglo-American strategic decision-making in the two world wars (for Oxford University Press), to complement his earlier strategic study of the First World War in the Middle East.