
Glenn Fine: Government Accountability and Oversight in a Democracy

10 May 2023
17:00 UK time
Glenn Fine
Harold Lee Room, Pembroke College
Organiser contact
Members of the University only
Lecture by Glenn Fine, Former Inspector General for the US Departments of Justice and Defence. Followed by a Q&A.

Pembroke Alumnus Glenn Fine (1979, PPE) will cover his career as an Inspector General for the US Departments of Justice and Defence, as well as the issues he encountered in these roles, including:

investigating abuses to immigrant detainees after the 9/11 attacks
investigating corruption in the Federal Bureau of Prisons
overseeing the FBI’s use of terrorist watchlists and misuse of national security letters
oversight of allegations of misconduct against senior military and Department of Defence leaders
the need for an inspector general for the judiciary
reporting on the status of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
This lecture will be in-person & there will be a live stream. Register here for online or in-person here: https://bit.ly/3MVGFPJ

Submit your questions in advance by emailing development@pmb.ox.ac.uk


Harold Lee Room- Pembroke College, Oxford OX1 1DW

May 10th - 17:30pm

Event will include a 60-minute talk and 30-minute Q&A session. The College bar will be open for audience members after the talk from 7pm.

Summary of the talk:

Glenn Fine (1979, PPE) will discuss the importance of oversight and accountability over government in a democracy. He will cover his career as an Inspector General for the Department of Justice and Department of Defence, as well as the issues he encountered in these roles, including investigating abuses to immigrant detainees after the 9/11 attacks; investigating corruption in the Federal Bureau of Prisons; overseeing the FBI’s use of terrorist watchlists and misuse of national security letters; oversight of allegations of misconduct against senior military and Department of Defence leaders; the need for an inspector general for the judiciary; and reporting on the status of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Glenn Fine served as the Inspector General for the Department of Justice from 2000 to 2011 in the Clinton, Bush and Obama Administrations. In January 2016, he became the Acting Inspector for the Department of Defence. He graduated from Harvard College where he majored in economics and later attended Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship, studying PPE. He has written several articles on the role of inspectors general, federal investigations, and management in federal agencies. He currently serves as a non-resident fellow in the Governance Studies programme at The Brookings Institution.