
Finding friends for Global Britain

10 Feb 2021
18:00 UK time
Prof. Rana Mitter
Andrew Payne
Mr Charles Parton
Amy Pope
Virtual - Zoom
Organiser contact
Agora Oxford is excited to introduce our major event of Hilary 2021, the Global Britain Roundtables. Experts on the UK's relationships with the US and China will lead virtual roundtables in search of solutions to the complex trade-offs involved in the UK's post-Brexit 'Global Britain' strategy. Admission is free and all are welcome. Please register using the Eventbrite.

The event will start with a quick introduction, after which students will be divided into 2 rooms focusing on the UK-US and UK-China relationships. Each room will be led by the two regional experts. Halfway through the event, attendees will be switched between the two rooms by the Agora tech host. We expect each table to be interactive, with the experts providing inside knowledge, and the students coming with fresh perspectives and exciting ideas. Specific questions guiding the discussion will be circulated in advance on this page.

After Brexit, it is crucial that the UK develops an independent foreign policy that will strengthen its position on the global stage now that it has stepped out of the umbrella of EU common policy. 'Global Britain' is a concept that was put forward by the Foreign Office to address this strategic task (https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/global-britain-delivering-on-our-international-ambition). Although at present too vague to be a coherent doctrine, the core of the ‘Global Britain’ strategy is about ‘reinvesting in relationships, championing the rules-based international order and demonstrating that the UK is open, outward-looking and confident on the world stage.’ The strategy encompasses new trade agreements, reinforcing commonwealth relationships, and being a ‘good global citizen’ championing climate protection and strengthening its diplomacy within the UN (https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/global-britain-is-leading-the-world-as-a-force-for-good-article-by-dominic-raab).

However, foreign policy is all about trade-offs. In an increasingly multipolar world, characterized by changing geopolitical relationships and dynamic power poles, how can Britain's diverse goals be achieved? Together with renowned experts, we will navigate with you those trade-offs involved in the UK-US and UK-China prospective relationships and develop recommendations for a post-Brexit UK foreign policy.