
Drawing the Line: Cyber Mercenary or Cyber Threat Intelligence Provider?

12 Jun 2019
12:30 UK time
Stewart K. Bertram
Manor Road Building, Seminar Room A, Manor Road OX1 3UQ
Centre for Technology and Global Affairs
The last decade has seen the world of cyber security change beyond all recognition, from an adjunct consideration within the IT department to a global level security concern. Wikileaks, Stuxnet, Sony, APT1, and Notpetya are just some of the keywords associated with incidents that have heralded the increased securitization around the issue of 'cyber' and how it has become a critical issue for many invested in security. Within this context, actors such as governments have obviously had to reconsider their attitude towards cyber security. However, how has the role of the cyber threat intelligence (CTI) provider changed over the last decade?
As the context of CTI changes, and security services become politicized by implication, so the role of a CTI provider changes - from IT professional to potential cyber mercenary. This talk considers how the context of cyber security has changed and how this may affect CTI providers over the next decade.

Stewart K. Bertram is the Director of Strategic Intelligence at Digital Shadows and responsible for the core Strategic Intelligence team at the organization. With a career in Threat Intelligence (TI) dating back to 2009 and technical intelligence dating back further to 2004, Stewart brings a significant amount of experience to any TI-related project, be it threat-led penetration testing or more thematic and research-based projects. Stewart’s Threat Intelligence research interests range from the geostrategic to the more technical aspects of cyber security. His research has been published in various books and academic peer reviewed journals.

All are welcome. Lunch will be provided at 12.15pm.