
Diasporas, Political Institutions, and International Investment

2 Feb 2018
12:30 UK time
David Leblang
Manor Road Building, Seminar Room A, Manor Road OX1 3UQ
Members of the University only
Not required
David Leblang has indicated that he would be willing to meet with students and staff on Friday February 3. If you would like to arrange a meeting, please contact David Doyle.
There is a small but growing literature on the effect of diaspora networks on flows of global trade and capital. This literature, however, only explores the direct effect of co-ethnic networks on international trade and investment. But the argument about the role of co-ethnic networks has important implications beyond this direct effect. Because transnational networks of migrants and co-ethnics help transmit information across national borders they can serve as a substitute for weak institutions or poor arbitration mechanisms that may otherwise hinder cross-border economic activity. And because these networks provide mutual trust between agents they can help alleviate problems of contract enforcement. We test this argument on a dyadic panel of countries over the period 2001-2007 and find a positive and substantively important substitution effect of diaspora networks on global economic flows.